Sharing personal experiences gives each of us an opportunity to discover the “real story” behind using a product or service. Read the following stories that have been submitted by Erect-A-Tube hangar owners. They come from various parts of the country and from many different starting places. One thing is the same, though…they are all proud of the product they own and want everyone to know it.
Are You A Current Hangar Owner?
Share your story by calling:
(800) 624-9219
or email us at:
"I've put up six or seven nested Tee hangars ... all dealings with Erect-A-Tube have been excellent."

"Items that were optional on other hangars were standard with Erect-A-Tube."

“Erect-A-Tube is very creative and flexible in design and location. They let us configure the building that we need. We tell them what we want, and they design the building around our needs.”

"Most companies provide you with a building, and then try to figure out what kind of door you need. It's just the opposite with Erect-A-Tube. They start out with the specific door necessary to meet your needs, and then attach a building."

“We went out to the factory in Harvard, Illinois, and from a layman’s point of view, things looked pretty effectively designed and straightforward. My partner and I are not engineers, but even from the standpoint of a novice, this looked like it could work for us.

“Every aspect of conducting business with Erect-A-Tube has been a positive experience. From speaking with the friendly staff members to receiving top-notch express service, we were very pleased with Erect-A-Tube.”
